
 というわけでその時に話題に出たDavid Lowのデッキ。

OnBC UW Control
U: Wall of Deceit(4), Discombobulate(3), Chain of Vapor(4), Echo Tracer(2),
Read the Runes(2), Stifle(1);
W: Wall of Hope(3), Exalted Angel(3), Eternal Dragon(2), Pacifism(4),
Akroma's Vengeance(4), Oblation(3);
Land: Island(11), Plains(10), Lonely Sandbar(2), Secluded Steppe(2);
Sideboard: Wipe Clean, Blatant Thievery/Chromeshell Crab, Mistform Mask,
Mobilization, Callous Oppressor, spare singles

Comments: Mobilization-ReadTheRunes is a fun combo, but is it main-deckable?!
: ChainOfVapor-Akroma'sVengeance is also fun :-)
: more Stifles, less Discombobulates?

OnBC BR Land Destruction
R: Shock(4), Lightning Rift(3), Custody Battle(4), Misguided Rage(4),
Starstorm(4), Lay Waste(4);
B: Smother(4), Cruel Revival(3), Twisted Abomination(3), Grinning Demon(4)
Land: Swamp(5), Mountain(8), Bloodstained Mire(4), Forgotten Cave(3),
Barren Moor(3)
Sideboard: Threaten, Slice and Dice, Prowling Pangolin(!), Fade From Memory
(recursive blockers), Carbonize, spare singles
Comments: Land short? Not good in an LD deck...
: CruelRevival-TwistedAbomination is a Neat Combo;
: Pacified Demons are Not A Neat Combo.
: local variant involves replacing LD with Blackmail/Unburden.
Obviously inferior. Really. Does tend to get less Pacified
Demons, though...
: another variant replaces black with green (yes, I have a complex
about Pacified Demons now...), including Gigapede, Chain of Acid,
Krosan Tusker, etc.
